2024, Number 2
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (2)
Jodhpur disease, case series and literature review
Pacheco OFA, Sánchez PV, Simonín ROD, Arias AJL, Madriñán RJE, Estudillo AJD, Castellanos LM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 113-122
PDF size: 210.25 Kb.
Background: Jodhpur disease is an entity described for the first time in 1997 by
Sharma, in Jodhpur, India. This author modified the classification of gastric obstructions
to include gastric outlet obstruction once any identifiable restriction at the pyloric level
had been ruled out.
Clinical case: We present 4 cases that presented with recurrent non-biliary vomiting
without secondary obstruction of the pyloric lumen treated with Heineke-Mikulicz
pyloroplasty, obtaining remission of the clinical picture. We searched different sources
of medical information for cases grouped as "Jodhpur disease" or clinically coincident,
collecting more than 50, which we compared with our series.
Conclusion: With the information obtained, we conclude that this entity is more
frequent in male preschoolers, characterized by vomiting of non-biliary gastric contents
from a few days to 4 years of evolution, frequently associated with abdominal distension
or epigastric mass. We suggest the gastroduodenal esophagus series as an initial
approach study that demonstrates obstruction to the gastric outlet tract, confirmed by
endoscopy, ruling out associated secondary causes. Therapeutic management, once
the hydration and nutritional status of the patient has been corrected, could be the
Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty, used in most reported cases with successful results.
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