2024, Number 2
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (2)
Attention process and executive functions related to congenital hypothyroidism in school children
González MJA, Romero EG, Sánchez PC, Velázquez MJ, Calzada LR, Ruiz RML, Altamirano BN
Language: Spanish
References: 58
Page: 100-112
PDF size: 262.69 Kb.
Objective: To describe the performance in neurocognitive processes and executive
functions related to age, start of treatment and type of CH in Mexican school children.
Materials and Methods: Observational, cross-sectional, prospective and
comparative study. 33 children with CH participated, aged 8 and 9, female cases
predominated, the attention process and executive functions were evaluated with the
Neuropsychological Assessment Child (ENI).
Results: 58% of the children presented agenesis and 42% other dysgenesis, with
early onset of treatment (EoT) in 18% and late onset treatment (LoT) in 82%. All children
presented low performance in both visual and auditory attention. Children with
agenesis and EoT presented low performance in executive functions and execution
processing speed.
Conclusions: The LoT and type of CH (agenesis) have an impact on the development
of neurocognitive functions related to school learning, however, not all domains
present the same level of competence.
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