2022, Number 1
Academic stress and engagement in students of virtual master's degrees in health in times of COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Background: stress can affect a student's performance and influence their commitment, a pillar that makes the person feel identified with their responsibilities and develop favorable conditions.Objective: to determine the relationship between stress and academic engagement in students taking virtual master's degrees in the area of health sciences at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out during the academic period of July 2021. Theoretical methods were used: synthesis analysis, induction-deduction and logical history; and empirical ones: the academic stress (SISCO V21) and academic engagement (UWES-S) questionnaires were applied, whose resulting data were analyzed and interpreted using statistical methodology at a descriptive and correlational level, and presented in tables and figures.
Results: a statistically significant difference was identified in the genders of the students, where the female group presented a higher perception of stress compared to the male group. 53.43% (173) of students identified themselves with moderate level academic stress and 70.88% (151) expressed average level academic engagement. The existence of the relationship between the variables investigated was confirmed with a statistically significant positive correlation with a Rho of 0.22.
Conclusions: the relationship between stress and academic engagement was determined in students taking virtual master's degrees in the area of health sciences at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. The positive development of the variables studied was evidenced, indicating that the higher the level of academic stress, the level of engagement among the sampled also grows.
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