2022, Number 1
Bullying behaviors as a form of violence in times of pandemic and impact on mental health
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 366.06 Kb.
Introduction: There are many forms of violence among adolescents, a phenomenon that is currently increasing. The development of new technologies and their misuse is causing a number of emotional misalignments and other mental problems. The current health disaster has exposed such situations.Objective: Describe the aspects related to bullying behaviors or cyberbullying during the pandemic, the causes that cause it, characteristics of those affected and the psychopathological manifestations that appear in those who suffer it.
Methods: A narrative literature review was carried out through a search in bibliographic databases such as PubMed, Lilacs, Google scholar, Cumed. Descriptors were used in English and Spanish.
Analysis and integration of information: Arguments related to intimidation as a form of violence through the use of technology and the mental health imbalances that these can cause are presented.
Conclusions: Times of crisis generate stress. The pandemic that hit the world around a year ago has not only brought high numbers of infected and loss of human lives, it has also generated emotional disorders in the most vulnerable populations. Children and adolescents have been affected by bullying through technology, which has been reinforced by excessive attachment to these means.
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