2024, Number 49
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (49)
Psychological distress and academic performance in medical students: A comparative study by sex
Jaimes-Medrano AL, Aburto-Arciniega MB, Urrutia-Aguilar ME, Caraveo-Anduaga JJ
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 9-17
PDF size: 368.11 Kb.
Background: Psychological distress is prevalent among
medical students, with a higher incidence observed among
female students. This period is characterized by lifestyle
changes resulting from the academic demands associated
with medical training, which can adversely affect
academic performance.
Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the
differences among rst-year medical students at UNAM
School of Medicine with psychological distress and its
correlation with academic performance
Method: , observational, and cross-sectional
study. The sample consisted of 356 first-year medical students.
Psychological discomfort was measured with the
General Health Questionnaire (CGS-12). The dependent
variable was the academic performance, which was obtained
with the average of the grades obtained in midterm
exams from de basic sciences courses.
Results: Among the students, 53.9% reported experiencing
psychological distress, with women accounting
for 70% of this group. Signicant differences were found
when comparing the average grades of medical students
with psychological distress.
Conclusions: It is necessary to implement specific interventions
with cognitive-behavioral and/or behavioral-
contextual approaches that favor the development of
self-efficacy among students with psychological distress,
given that in the last decade a higher percentage of women
has been observed in undergraduate enrollment of
medical school. Likewise, contribute to a better academic
performance and reduce the school dropout risk; in addition
to promoting their mental and physical well-being.
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