2023, Number 4
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2023; 43 (4)
Epidemiology of Mpox (formerly monkeypox) in a hospital of Mexico City
Zamudio LI, Pastrana ZAA, Ridaura VC, Amaral VD, Rodríguez POM, Serrano LR, Guerrero AGML
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 151-159
PDF size: 291.51 Kb.
In May 2022, several countries where monkeypox was not endemic reported cases constituting a public health emergency
of international importance. As of March 2023, the World Health Organization reports 86 514 cases, of which
more than half correspond to the region of the Americas, and Mexico ranks 4th with 3 928.
Objective. To present the epidemiological behavior of Mpox in a tertiary public hospital and the local behavior of positive cases.
Material and Methods. A cross-sectional, analytical study of probable Mpox cases was carried out. A descriptive
analysis of: frequencies and proportions and Mantel and Haenszel chi-square.
Results. A total of 60 probable cases of which 54 were positive, regarding sexual preference, 74% of the hospital cases
were men who had sex with men (MSM) and to a lesser extent bisexual and gay, compared to national behavior, gays
occupied a higher proportion. The first clinical data most frequently presented by the patients was rash in the pelvic
genital and/or perianal region accompanied or not by fever, there was no major difference in the behavior of the rash and
the presence of HIV. Although there is a definition of a case where there is a prodrome and later the presence of a rash,
the confirmed cases presented important variants, so it is important to consider them in order to promptly determine a
probable case and apply measures to prevent complications and community spread.
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