2021, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Farm 2021; 54 (4)
Risk factors for anxiety in Bolivian students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ah CS, Rebollo A, Quiroga A, Paes I, Yáñez JA
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 557.11 Kb.
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an increase in levels of anxiety
and distress. However, there has been no research evaluating anxiety levels in
students in the health sector in Bolivia, specifically Medicine and Physiotherapy
Objective: Determine anxiety levels in Medicine and Physiotherapy students at
the Christian University of Bolivia during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: Non-probabilistic, cross-sectional, analytical study for convenience. A
survey was conducted between September 7 -29, 2020 to 337 students, of them
270 in the career of Medicine and 67 of Physiotherapy.
Results: 48.37 % (n = 163) of the students had mild anxiety, 20.18 % (n = 68) mild
to moderate anxiety, 11.87 % (n = 40) moderate to severe anxiety, and 19.58 % (n
= 66) very severe anxiety. Medical and physiotherapy students had similar levels
of anxiety (p = 0.83). It was determined that nationality (p = 0.80), age (p = 0.83),
whether if they live alone or not (p = 0.35), and academic year of study (p = 0.09) are not associated with the level of anxiety of students. It was found that the sex
of the students has a relationship with the levels of anxiety: women presented
higher levels of severe anxiety than men (p = 0.017). It was identified in this
research that less than 6% of students receive psychological therapy, regardless
of their anxiety levels.
Conclusions: The psychological support of the university to its students should be
reinforced and research should continue to determine other risk factors that can
help create better policies for the prevention of anxiety disorder at the university
and national levels.
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