2022, Number 1
Improvement in the performance of the Family and Community Medicine Specialist concerning comprehensive occupational medical care
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 323.16 Kb.
Introduction: Comprehensive occupational medical care is a priority for the Cuban health system. Studies oriented towards the introduction of improvements into the professional performance of the physician specialized in family and community medicine agree on the convenience of considering ways and procedures to optimize, in the training process of these professionals, the cognitive, procedural and axiological contents related to comprehensive occupational medical care.Objective: To assess the relevance of an intervention strategy for improving the performance of the physician specialized in family and community medicine for comprehensive occupational medical care.
Methods: During the research, theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, the historical-logical method and systematization were applied; among the empirical methods, document review, interview, participant observation and expert consultation were used. Mathematical-statistical methods were used to process the information.
Results: Integrative nodes were evidenced that contributed to the improvement of the performance of the family and community medicine specialist, as well as to the interdisciplinary formation of a broad and advanced scientific culture as part of comprehensive occupational medical care.
Conclusions: The conclusive actions corroborated the relevance and high level of contribution of the intervention strategy used for the improvement of the performance of the family and community medicine specialist concerning comprehensive occupational medical care, in correspondence with the proposed objective.
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