2023, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (2)
Psychopedagogical material to regulate anger in preschoolers, in a COVID-19 pandemic. pilot study
López VL, Ortega ANA, González FCM
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 427-444
PDF size: 465.64 Kb.
The objective of this study was to pilot the use of a playful
psychopedagogical material for the management of anger in
preschool children in times of health contingency due to COVID-19,
based on the guidelines suggested for emotional education. 38
preschool children selected with a non-probabilistic convenience
sampling participated, 20 were boys and 18 were girls, with a mean
age of M= 4.93 (SD=.574), in a range of 4 to 6 years, belonging to
the 2 ° (57.89%) and 3rd grade (45.45%) of a kindergarten in
Tequixquiac, State of Mexico. It was a descriptive study with a nonexperimental
design with a cross-sectional scope. The data of 16
infants are reported, who participated in all the pilot sessions and
after the intervention answered the questionnaire designed
expressly for this research. The results show that 93.75% of the
children understood anger better after reviewing the material, 80.9%
were very satisfied and satisfied with it. 93.75% of the parents would
recommend the use of this material, therefore, it is concluded that it
can contribute to the emotional education of anger, however it is
recommended to continue exploring the effectiveness of its use with
other groups of boys and girls.
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