2022, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2022; 26 (1)
Evaluation of postural load in workstations where computers are used
Carmona RA, Ávila ÁJC, Noda HME
Language: Spanish
References: 14
PDF size: 599.95 Kb.
Introduction: The increase on intellectual and remote work through the use of computers brings about the appearance of musculoskeletal disorders due to the low perception of the risks to which users are exposed to, when these positions are not correctly designed.
Objective: To study the risk factors determining the raise on workers’ health problems due to the increase on postural load at workstations where computers are used, in order to minimize these risks.
Method: To evaluate the postural load to which people may be subjected to, depending on the work they carry out, in particular with the use of computers, the Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA) method was used.
Results: As a result of the evaluation, it was found that 83.3% of the work stations required modifications to avoid injuries. The method allows to classify the level of risk at the workplaces, as well as the actions that must be taken to mitigate the damage caused by incorrect designs.
Conclusions: Although material resources at various workplaces do not allow an optimal adaptation of the workstations so that the level of risk is negligible, the comprehensive assessment of it with this method will allow undertaking corrective actions that lead to attain a low or medium risk rate. When the scores obtained are more than 7 points, the activity must be stopped until the level of risk is reduced due to the implications for workers´ health.
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