2021, Number 4
Comprehensive mental health prevention with an ecological approach for adolescents in the school setting
Language: Spanish
References: 31
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Introduction: The high prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders in Holguín province and specifically suicide attempt, require the implementation of comprehensive health prevention actions from an early age and in adolescence they depend a lot on mastering their particularities and on the actions to be carried out.Objective: To implement actions of comprehensive mental health promotion with ecological approach in teachers and adolescents for the prevention of suicidal attempt and risk behaviors in Holguín municipality, Cuba.
Method: A quasi-experimental research was carried out. The universe was taken from 3 high schools identified by stratification as high-risk institutions, of which 2 intentional samples were selected, the first consisting of 161 teachers belonging to the teaching staff of these institutions, and the second was composed by 2446 students who constitute the total of students of the schools. Theoretical, empirical methods and statistical procedures were applied (McNemar test with a 95% reliability) that guaranteed the triangulation of the information.
Results: The main learning needs of the teachers were: deficiencies in the home-school interrelationship (79.50%), difficulties in working with the adolescent with suicidal attempt (53.41%) and difficulties in communicating with students (42.23%). Dysfunctional families (40.06%), violence (21.09%), chronic diseases (6.58%) and psychiatric disorders (2.86%) were identified as the main risk factors in the psycho-pedagogical characterization. Teachers increased their level of knowledge from 77.64% to 98.14% after the intervention.
Conclusions: The educational intervention on teachers was effective.
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