2023, Number 48
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Inv Ed Med 2023; 12 (48)
Level of emotional intelligence and empathy in medical residents
Fernández VMU, Sánchez TRI
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 72-79
PDF size: 326.02 Kb.
Introduction: Emotional intelligence is a set of soft skills
and competencies that, it has been shown, inuence
people’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental
demands and pressures. On the other hand, empathy
plays an important role because it is a cognitive attribute
that encompasses an understanding of an individual’s
experiences and perspectives. Both have benets in the
doctor-patient relationship, as it leads to better diagnosis
and greater adherence to treatments.
Objective: to evaluate the level of emotional intelligence
and empathy possessed by resident physicians of the
IMSS Puebla delegation.
Method: quantitative, analytical, longitudinal, homodemographic,
prospective and multicenter study. A total of 254
resident physicians from 12 specialties participated, using
the TMSS 24 scale for emotional intelligence and the Jefferson
scale for empathy as measurement instruments.
Results: There was more participation of the female sex,
with an overall average age of 29 years; the greatest
participation was in the specialty of family medicine. In
the items attention, clarity and repair of emotional intelligence,
the result was adequate with 48%, 53.9% and
61.8% respectively. In the Jefferson empathy scale, the
outstanding item predominated with 46.8%. Nineteen
resident physicians were identied with low levels in each
of the dimensions of emotional intelligence together with
intermediate and low empathy.
Discussion: the levels of emotional intelligence and empathy
were adequate, although resident physicians with
low levels in both items represent a red focus and an area
of opportunity for emotional education.
Conclusions: Emotional intelligence and empathy are
skills that resident physicians should possess because
they have benets for them and for their patients, so it is
important to encourage the teaching of these skills from
the formative years.
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