2023, Number 3
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2023; 21 (3)
Pilonidal disease: a proctological condition?
Álvarez RFJ, Soto OJA, Quiñones VR
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 250-257
PDF size: 372.02 Kb.
Pilonidal disease results from a granulomatous reaction caused
by hair entrapment in the gluteal cleft and surrounding areas. The
most affected group is young, economically active people. The
understanding of its pathogenesis has modified the conception
of this entity, which was considered a disease of a genetic nature.
It is considered an acquired disease, closely related to the
entrapment of hair in the sacrococcygeal region, together with
predisposing factors such as obesity and anatomical characteristics.
Current surgical techniques aim to modify the anatomy of
the region. Thus, flap-based techniques have emerged in the last
30 years, with closures outside the midline. Although direct midline
closure, marsupialization, closure by secondary intention, and
other non-surgical procedures, which have been commonly used,
have shown high recurrence. Through studies of case series and
meta-analyses, it has been shown that the new techniques, especially
those based on flaps, are those with the lowest level of
recurrence. Due to the topography of the disease, it should be
considered a pathology of a dermatological nature and not a proctological
one. Therefore, the dermatologist surgeon can play an
essential role in its resolution.
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