2018, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2018; 15 (3)
Topics and methodological characteristics of nursing research published in Mexican journals: 2010-2015
Landeros-Olveraa E, Ramírez-Girón N, Yáñez-Lozano Á, Guzmán-Ramírez G, Galicia-Aguilara RM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 274-283
PDF size: 266.41 Kb.
Introduction: Although the development of nursing research is every day becoming more concrete, the
related Mexican journals do not fulfill the index level of methodological rigor required by the National
System of Researchers.
Objective: To describe the topics and methodological characteristics of nursing publications in the main
Mexican journals in the last 5 years.
Method: This is a descriptive, retrospective, and transversal study. Six national journals published from the
2nd semester of 2010 to the 2nd semester of 2015 were analyzed. The sample included 244 original
and/or research articles. Descriptive statistics, including frequencies and percentages, were calculated.
Results: Education level of the 1st author: master’s degree or superior: 38.2%; institutions of higher
studies: 66.8%; main topic: clinical 45.8%; does not use theory: 84.0%. From the studies with a quantitative
design: descriptive analysis: 49.1%; transversal: 73.5%; without ethics registry: 79.6%. From the
studies with qualitative design: semi-structured interview: 83.9%; open coding: 80.6%; rapport: 3.2%.
Conclusions: Future nursing research should implement and fulfill the corresponding criteria to enhance
its quality, so that its products can become part of a trustable, replication-capable, and useful body of
evidence which can drive the development of nursing.
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