2018, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2018; 15 (3)
Satisfaction of nursing students regarding their theoretical-practical formation. University of Panama, Sede Azuero
Agrazal-García J, Ortega B
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 265-273
PDF size: 255.01 Kb.
Contemporary universities have the mission to form competent professionals who can contribute to the
development of society. Because of this, it is necessary to continually assess the quality of the teaching
process and the efficiency of the current academic programs.
Objective: To analyze the degree of satisfaction of graduate nursing students regarding their theoretical-
practical formation at the Nursing Faculty of the Universitarian Regional Center in Azuero, Panama.
Material and Methods: This is a descriptive and transversal study assessing the satisfaction of graduates according
to two components: the theoretical-practical formation during the education stage, and the
professional practice as an option to obtain the title of Baccalaureate in Nursing.
Results: Students are satisfied with their theoretical-practical formation and they have an excellent-good
impression of the teachers (87% to 95%). The low or regular scores were found in the areas of: attention
schedule, virtual interaction capability, and support in elaborating and analyzing problems. Acquired
competencies resulting from the professional practice as a graduating option turned out to be positive
(98% to 100%).
Conclusions: Graduate students have a high level of satisfaction with their theoretical-practical formation,
at the same time highlighting professional practice as a good experience for the strengthening of professional
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