2023, Number 4
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (4)
Perception of respect for the right to education and decent work in medical interns in a second level hospital
Lugo MJA, Morales EM, Medina VE, García RPE, Escobar AL
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 602-609
PDF size: 220.20 Kb.
Objective: To estimate the opinion of the internal doctors of Specialties Hospital no.
2 Lic. Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta, Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico, about respect
for their right to education and decent work.
Materials and Methods: Descriptive, observational, prospective, cross-sectional
study done in September 2022 to evaluate the opinion of undergraduate doctors regarding
their rights to education and decent work. We included demographic variables,
as well as the results of the survey. Descriptive statistics were applied, we used χ
2 of
goodness of fit to contrast our proportions in the perception of events favorable to
education and decent work.
Results: There were included 53 surveys; 27 women and 26 men; mean age was 24.32
± 1.848 years; 35 were in second grade. Out of the 53 participants, 31 perceived their
rights to education favorable at a high to very high level and 22 perceived favorable
work as high and very high. The analysis with χ
2 of goodness of fit in the contrast of
proportions of perception of favorable events on the right to education found differ-
ences p = 0.00008 (p ≤ 0.05) but not in the proportion of decent work with a value of
pn= 0.466 (p ≤0.05)
Conclusions: Nearly three-fifths of our undergraduate physicians rate their favorable
education rights as high to very high, while two-fifths rate them as moderate to very low.
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