2023, Number 4
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (4)
Characterization of patients with digestive hemorrhage according to evaluation scales
Martínez SLM, Zuluaga GM, Estrada AAF, Cuartas AYS, Carvajal AM, Vergara YD, Cerón LS
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 595-601
PDF size: 201.78 Kb.
Objective: To characterize patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhage according to
three evaluation scales.
Materials and Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study that
included adult patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hospitalized in a highly complex
institution in the city of Medellin, Colombia, in 2018 with clinical evidence of the
variables that allowed the application of the Rockall index, the Glasgow-Blatchford scale
and the AIMS65 score. A non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases was carried out.
Results: Four hundred fifty-four patients were included, there was a predominance of
males with 53.3% (242), and median age was 59.5 years; 77.2% (348) of the patients
were attended in general hospitalization. Regarding hemorrhage, 76% (346) had a
location in the upper digestive tract; 56.8% (256) of patients presented melena, and
57.6% (261) anemia; 20% (90) of the patients had a score of 4 on the Rockall index.
Regarding the Glasgow-Blatchford scale, 91% (413) of the patients obtained a score ›
0; 44.1% (200) of the patients had a score of 1 in the AIMS65 score. Regarding mortality,
6.9% (31) died from bleeding.
Conclusions: Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage is the main gastroenterological
emergency that must be identified and classified in a timely manner to avoid complications
and improve patient care.
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