2023, Number 2
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2023; 43 (2)
Vaccination against COVID-19 in the Emberá indigenous people of the Colombian Pacific. A possible health challenge to meet
Correa GC, Castillo SD, Cortés PAS, Bedoya MI, Vera MC, Velásquez TL, Castillo RY, Hernández SJM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 53-57
PDF size: 226.39 Kb.
COVID-19 Vaccination in Colombia began on February 17, 2021 (National Vaccination Plan). Experience of a health institution
belonging to the Emberá people in the department of Chocó, Colombian Pacific, who based on the exchange and dialogue
of knowledge, increase vaccination in the indigenous population is presented.
Materials and methods. Descriptive and cross-sectional study. Indigenous people › 12 years of age, candidates for
vaccination against COVID-19, were included. The intervention was carried out by the Indigenous Health Service Provider
Institution (IPS-I) of Quibdó Chocó, Erchichi Jai between the months of November 2021 and October 2021. 2022. The ips-i
carried out at least 6 field trips, one every two months, to reach rural communities.
Results. The Erchichi Jai Indigenous ips in these municipalities estimated around 6,000 people; and according to the current
national vaccination protocol against COVID-19, it was calculated that the population › 12 years old was 4,001 indigenous
people, of whom 1,834 (46%) of this population were vaccinated. The percentage of vaccination of the indigenous population
vaccinated in the national average was 19%. The average age was 21 years, 54% of those were female; 91%
belonged to the subsidized social security regime, most of them live in dispersed rural areas 65% and the most used
biological was Janssen’s.
Conclusions. National and regional health organizations should make the indigenous groups a priority, and work closely
with them in order to expand the coverage of their programs and ensure that interventions are effective.
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