2022, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (3)
Emotional intelligence in emergency personnel with secondary post traumatic stress disorder
Hernández CKM, Orozco CG
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 841-870
PDF size: 351.51 Kb.
The work of emergency care is a stressful activity that implies a high
emotional burden due to the trauma of the situations that must be attended
to. With a propensity to suffer from secondary traumatic stress disorder,
with cognitive and emotional consequences. Objective was to describe the
emotional intelligence factors in the presence of different severity levels of
Secondary Traumatic Stress in emergency personnel. Forty-four
participants of emergency care from Mexico City with a range of 21 to 53
years of age; According to the level of severity of secondary traumatic
stress divided into three stress groups (low, medium and high). Applying
a clinical history, the Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale and an Emotional
Intelligence profile. Adequate high levels of emotional intelligence result.
What promotes the potential to learn the practice of communication skills,
development of emotional competence and empathy for understanding
and good service of orientation towards others and improving social skills.
With characteristics by age range depending on the level of stress. In
conclusion, emergency personnel suffer from a Secondary Traumatic
Stress Disorder at different levels with a high Emotional Intelligence
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