2022, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (4)
Freudian incursions in the definition of the culture of Bolivar Echeverria. Work hypothesis
Guerra HJM
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1976-1995
PDF size: 318.64 Kb.
The purpose of this paper is to indicate a set of potential routes
through which it is possible to strengthen and enrich, through
freudian psychoanalysis, some topics of the thematization that the
marxist philosopher Bolívar Echeverría developed on culture. In this
work, it is interesting to highlight one of the problems overlooked by
the multiple reflections that echeverrian work raises, that of the
presence and importance of the psychic and subjective in his
definition of culture, especially in his concept of transnaturalization
with which, together with his notion of productivism, the philosopher
sought to account for the genesis and daily reproduction of the
cultural dimension. Concise, but deep and dynamic, echeverrian's
work is part of the interpretive horizon of critical marxism,
contributing to this current of thought a rich rereading of Marx and a
solid and dense analysis of the contradiction between value and use
value, contribution of the that emerges from his reflection on culture.
The theoretical inputs of freudian psychoanalysis are not only
consistent with the echeverrian definition of culture, but also
essential to provide depth and consistency in its comprehensive
claim to human life.
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