2021, Number 4
Effectiveness of combined laser and magneto rehabilitation treatment in patients with peripheral facial paralysis
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Peripheral facial paralysis is a very frequent neurological affectation and in most cases it is not possible to establish an accurate etiology, calling them idiopathic or Bell's facial paralysis. The study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the effectiveness of combined laser and magneto rehabilitation treatment in patients with peripheral facial paralysis. We performed a quasi-experimental modality before and after without a control group in 37 patients with peripheral facial paralysis who attended the Physiatry Consultation of the "Máximo Gómez Báez" Polyclinic in the municipality of Río Cauto from January 2017 to January 2019 The comorbidity of peripheral facial paralysis with other chronic and infectious diseases was studied, resulting that herpes simplex and otitis were the most significant for 40,54 and 24,32% respectively; there were no complications during the combined therapy in 83,78%; the level of severity was normal (83,78%), mild (13, 51 %) and moderate (2,70%); the treatment was effective in 83,78% of the patients. It is concluded that the combined rehabilitation treatment of laser and magneto in patients with peripheral facial paralysis is effective.REFERENCES
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