2022, Number 2
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Arch Med 2022; 22 (2)
Occupational stress and coping strategies among primary health care physicians
Rosa MMS, Garcia LL, Guimaraes XNFR, Aparecida SSR, Alcalá PD, Gazetta CE
Language: English
References: 38
Page: 242-252
PDF size: 254.26 Kb.
Objective: this study aimed to examine the levels of occupational stress and coping
strategies among primary health care physicians.
Materials and Methods: a crosssectional
study was conducted with primary health care physicians who worked in a
large city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected using an instrument that
measured sociodemographic and professional variables, the Problem Coping Modes
Scale, and the Work Stress Scale, of which the latter two were validated for the Brazilian
population. The data were analyzed according to the calculation of the scores
appropriate to the scales, with appropriate statistical treatment and a significance of 5%
Results: the primary care physicians were predominantly women (59.4%),
who worked approximately 40 hours per week (59.4%) and had a median of 7 years of
experience in primary care. Eight professionals (25.0%) presented scores compatible
with major stress (›2.5). Low perspectives of career growth (2.9; ±1.3), form of task
distribution (2.7; ±1.0), deficient professional training (2.7; ±1.2), and insufficient time
to perform the work (2.6; ±1.2) were reported to be the greatest stressors. The coping
mode with the highest score was the one focused on the problem (3.75), followed by
the search for social support (3.17).
Conclusion: the pressures of the work environment
promote the development of stress among primary care physicians. In this group,
emotional imbalance affects the choice of coping strategy, and therefore, it is crucial to
create a welcoming work environment, with cohesive, integrated, and well-managed
teams that feel comfortable sharing their emotions and actively provide social support.
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