2022, Number 2
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Arch Med 2022; 22 (2)
Work stress in residents of medical-surgical specialties and its relationship with the inflammatory state
Burbano-Obando JP, Sánchez-Sánchez JP, Álvarez-Soler JA, Dueñas-Cuellar RA, Niño-Castaño VE, Ávila-González GI, Merchán-Galvis ÁM
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 230-241
PDF size: 376.87 Kb.
Introduction: residents of medical-surgical specialties are a population at risk of
developing Burnout syndrome, which negatively affects their health and, consequently,
triggers alterations in serum cytokine levels that lead to an inflammatory
Objective: to assess work stress through the diagnosis of Burnout syndrome
and pro and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels in first year residents of the Universidad
del Cauca.
Materials and Methods: a prospective longitudinal descriptive
study was carried out in a population of 14 medical residents. It was used selfcompleted
surveys to evaluate sociodemographic, clinical and residence variables;
as well as, the Zung test and the Maslach Burnout Inventory to assess the presence
of Burnout syndrome. Additionally, venous blood samples were taken to measure
the production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines using the ELISA technique,
at the beginning, six months and one year (three samples) at the beginning of
the medical residency.
Results: he 100% of the population presented alterations
in any of the dimensions associated with Burnout syndrome, among which predominated
was emotional exhaustion. In the end of the follow-up, 14.3% of the
residents presented Burnout and a significant decrease in TNF-α production was
Conclusion: this study evidences the possibility of the appearance of
burnout syndrome in students of medical-surgical specialization due to exposure
to chronic stressors associated with academic and emotional conditions. Similarly,
this research demonstrates a disease in the inflammatory state of residents, which
in the long term that could affect health.
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