2021, Number 282
Consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco in students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences ''General Calixto García''
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-5
PDF size: 446.76 Kb.
vIntroduction: the consumption of addictive substances in young people is experiencing an increasing trend and Cuba is not the exception in this problem.Objective: to characterize the consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco in first-year medical students at the Calixto García School of Medical Sciences.
Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the period from October to November 2020. We worked with the entire universe. The variables analyzed were age, sex, dependence, frequency of consumption and problems associated with consumption. Descriptive statistics were used.
Results: the average age was 18.6 years and the female sex predominated in 60%. 10% of the students smoked with mild nicotine dependence. 66% consumed alcoholic beverages, 78.7% with low-risk dependence and 21.2% at risk. The frequency of alcoholic ingestion in 48.4% of the students was once a month. No students with significant problems associated with alcohol consumption were reported.
Conclusions: among the first-year medical students at the Calixto García School, some had mild nicotine dependence. Consumers of risky and low-risk alcoholic beverages were detected.
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