2021, Number 4
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Medisur 2021; 19 (4)
Effects of a multicomponent exercise program in older people living in the community
Cigarroa I, Ledezma-Dames A, Sepúlveda-Martin S, Zapata-Lamana R, Leiva-Ordoñez AM, Concha-Cisternas Y, Reyes-Molina D
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 590-598
PDF size: 545.32 Kb.
a multicomponent exercise-based intervention would favor functionality. However, there are few local studies, in Chile, that have used them.
to determine the effects of multicomponent exercise in reducing the falling and cognitive deterioration risks, improving balance, muscle strength, functional capacity and life quality in elderly people living in the community.
pre-post experimental study without control group. The sample was intentional (n = 17; 47.1% women; median 70 years old). A multicomponent exercise plan was applied for nine weeks. Pre and post exercise, dynamic balance was evaluated with the Timed Up and Go test, static balance with a postural oscillograph and the Unipodal Station test, muscle strength with the Sit and Stand test, functional capacity with the 6 Minute Walk test, quality life with the SF-36 Questionnaire and suspected cognitive impairment with the Mini Mental State. To determine pre-post exercise differences, the Wilcoxon test was applied.
after the exercises, a better performance was observed in the tests: Timed Up and Go (p = 0.004), Unipodal Station (p = 0.023 right leg, p = 0.005 left leg), Sitting and Getting up (p = 0.014), 6-Minute Walk (p = 0.006) and in the SF-36 Questionnaire: body pain (p = 0.003), mental health (p = 0.000) and total score (p = 0.002).
a nine-week multicomponent exercise program was able to reduce the risk of falls, improve balance, muscle strength, functional capacity and quality of life in older people living in the community.
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