2021, Number 3
Dengue in the first year of life
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1-18
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Introduction: Dengue is considered the most important of all arboviruses because of its high burden of disease and social implications. It is an infectious disease caused by any of the four serotypes of the dengue complex, which is transmitted to the human beings through the bite of a mosquito of Aedes genus.Objective: Characterize the clinical manifestations in infants with confirmed dengue.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and retrospective study of the clinical manifestations of 150 infants with a diagnosis of dengue confirmed by serology who were hospitalized at "Dr. Ángel Arturo Aballí" Mother and Child Hospital in the period July-September 2014 was conducted.
Results: Infants between 7 and 12 months of age were the most affected (66.8 %), with a predominance of females (54.0 %). The main clinical manifestations were: fever, upper respiratory tract manifestations and rash. The appearance of the warning signs coincided with the defervescence of fever in 14 children (9.3%) and frequent vomiting and lethargy or irritability were the most repeated symptoms. Just one patient (0.7%) presented a clinical picture of shock.
Conclusions: During the first year of life, dengue disease can occur in a particular way and resemble any other viral infection. The epidemiological criterion is extremely important, as well as the presence of fever, rash and respiratory manifestations that are not always associated with dengue at other ages.
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