2021, Number 3
Factors associated with mortality in cirrhotic patients
Language: Spanish
References: 28
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Introduction: Liver cirrhosis represents 9,1 % of causes of mortality in Peru. There is little evidence on the influence of epidemiological and clinical variables on the mortality of patients with liver cirrhosis in Latin America, especially in developing countries such as Peru.Objective: To identify the factors associated with mortality in cirrhotic patients.
Methods: Cross-sectional study in cirrhotic patients treated at the Cayetano Heredia Hospital in Piura, Peru, year 2017. The dependent variable was hospital mortality and the independent variables were epidemiological, clinical and laboratory characteristics. Fisher's exact test and the T test were used to estimate the factors associated with mortality.
Results: Of 52 patients, the frequency of mortality due to cirrhosis was 35,4 %. Have moderate ascites (p = 0,004), degree of encephalopathy (p = 0,001), leukocytosis (p = 0,004), decompensated disease according to the Child Pugh index (p = 0,023), Meld index between 30-39 points (p < 0,001) and creatinine levels (p = 0,009) were associated with a higher frequency of mortality.
Conclusion: The presence of moderate ascites, degree of encephalopathy, leukocytosis, decompensated disease according to the Child Pugh index, Meld index between 30-39, creatinine levels are associated with mortality in cirrhotic patients.
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