2021, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2021; 32 (2)
Questionnaires as a tool to measure physical activity in people with diabetes mellitus and obesity in the Cuban population
Arnold DY, Cabrera RE
Language: Spanish
References: 62
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The questionnaires are standardized instruments, which are used in full monitoring of physical activity in people with diabetes mellitus and obesity. They are a more viable cost-effect technique, but less precise in comparison with the objective methods that are used to measure physical activity in the population level. However, they are the most used tool by the specialists due to its direct interaction with patients included in researches on diabetes and obesity.
Identify the questionnaires as a feasible option in Cuba to measure the level of physical activity in epidemiological studies in people with diabetes mellitus and obesity.
An integrative review of the bibliography was carried out from the inclusion criteria during the period 2013-2020. The search was carried out through PubMed, Cochrane, LILACS and SciELO to answer the question of the review: What is the physical activity´s measurement technique that can be used in people with diabetes mellitus and obesity in the Cuban population, taking into account the new empirical evidence on the subject? Physical activity, physical activity / questionnaires, physical activity / measurement techniques, non-communicable diseases, diabetes mellitus and obesity; were the words or criteria used. 68 articles were identified, and 29 of them were selected so, they contributed to the final result.
The new evidences presented provide solid elements to identify the questionnaires validated by motion sensors as a feasible option that should be used in Cuba to measure the level of physical activity in epidemiological studies of people with diabetes mellitus and obesity.
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