2018, Number 1
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Enfermería Universitaria 2018; 15 (1)
Burnout syndrome among nursing staff: hospitalenvironment stress associations, Andalucia, Spain
vBlanca-Gutiérreza JJ, Arias-Herrera A
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 30-44
PDF size: 275.56 Kb.
Introduction. The burnout syndrome is highly prevalent in the health care environments which normally
include high levels of responsibility, direct contact with many persons, and near death experiences,
among other stressful situations. This syndrome is a direct cause of absenteeism and thus its prevention
becomes important.
Objective: Based on the Maslach Inventory, to identify the prevalence of burnout
among nursing personnel and its associations with the stressors contemplated by the Nursing Stressor
Scale (NSS).
Method: This is an observational, descriptive, transversal and prospective study. The
population is constituted by 140 nursing professors working at the Montilla Hospital in Spain. The
representative sample of 43 was obtained by probabilistic sampling. Associations were found between
emotional wasting, depersonalization, and individual achievement (Maslach Burnout Inventory) with
each of the 9 factors measuring the presence of stressors contemplated by the NSS. The Pearson coefficient
and the Student’s t were calculated.
Results: There are associations between diverse levels of
emotional wasting and the following stressors: death and suffering, workload, uncertainty regarding
the treatment, hierarchy problems, insufficient preparation, problems among nursing staff, and moving
to other services lacking enough personnel. Regarding depersonalization, the different levels are
associated with: uncertainty about the treatment, insufficient preparation, and problems among the
nursing personnel.
Conclusions: Directly addressing the factors associated with emotional wasting will
allow healthcare managers to prevent the incidence of burnout syndrome among the staff.
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