2018, Number 2
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Enfermería Universitaria 2018; 15 (2)
Health personnel perceptions on a cervical cancer early detection program
Hernández-Márquez CI, Salinas-Urbina AA
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 124-135
PDF size: 256.02 Kb.
Objective: To identify the perceptions which first level of attention health personnel have on the Cervical
Cancer Early Detection National Health Program in Mexico.
Method: This is a qualitative study which included
15 semi-structured interviews on medicine and nursing personnel of three rural health centers
in the State of Morelos, Mexico. Data were analyzed in line with the Grounded Theory.
Results: The health personnel perceives the Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program as a preventive
initiative which relies on the cervical cytology as a main procedure to prevent cervical cancer. These
perceptions are modulated by issues on the achievement of goals, operation barriers, high demand of
the tests, scarcity of resources, and working conditions feelings.
Conclusions: It is important to keep strengthening the nursing and medicine study plans so that students
keep developing their knowledge, competencies, and skills to support health initiatives such as the
Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program while they develop their scientific interest and professional
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