2018, Number 2
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Enfermería Universitaria 2018; 15 (2)
Healthcare process from the perspective of poor urban mexican families
Ostiguín-Meléndez RM, Bustamante-Edqén S
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 115-123
PDF size: 469.69 Kb.
The family has been seen as a resource, medium, context, and provider element, but little is known
about its internal healthcare mechanisms. Because of this, it is important, from the specific epistemic
frameworks, to unveil the elements involved in these processes. This study addresses the issue and
contributes to the advancement of collective health.
The objective was to explore the Mexican family healthcare process.
Method: The study design was qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory. Five Mexico City families attending
a medical facility were studied. Data were gathered through guided interviews and field notes.
The analysis was thematic.
Results suggest that family healthcare is an ontogenetic-featured autopoietic process which is learned
and transferred through generations as a cycle and in a self-constituting form in order to face and
avoid external threats, thus preserving the family’s unique functional model.
Conclusions: Considering the specific characteristics of healthcare within the poor urban Mexican families,
one conclusion is that it is important to conduct further studies on the phenomenon in order to
contribute to the improvement of health of these families.
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