2017, Number 23
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Inv Ed Med 2017; 6 (23)
Perception of academics of the teaching role of the doctor
Montero L, Triviño X, Dois A, Sirhan M, Leiva L
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 198-205
PDF size: 208.01 Kb.
Introduction: Medical education is currently going through many changes, and Medical Schools
must adapt in order to survive. These have to fulfil multiple roles and tasks, with research,
teaching, and clinical care as a bottom line. Furthermore, and in many cases, these also include,
management, community work, and continuing education courses. Previous studies show that
not all of these roles are valued similarly.
Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the value of teaching perceived by
academics from some Medical schools in Chile.
Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve faculty members, all of whom
have an active role in teaching. The sampling was intentional and guided by theory. Based on
Grounded theory, the data was analysed using open, axial and selective coding. Finally the
information was triangulated with literature ad-hoc.
Results: Three categories emerged from the analysis. First, the ‘‘multiple roles and tasks’’
performed by the faculties. The second is the ‘‘personal value of teaching’’, and the third, the
‘‘institutional value of teaching’’. The problem is that, even though teaching is valued, there
are other activities, such as research and patient care, that are valued more,.
Conclusions: These results are multifactorial and they provide evidence that faculties perceive
that teaching is relevant, but other activities, like research and clinical work, are valued more
The results are similar to those found in the literature, and encourage us to pursue initiatives
to rescue and promote the value of teaching, such as protected time for teaching, mentoring,
promotion of innovation and excellence, etc.
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