2021, Number 2
Cccupational accidents in cuban cooperants working in the Integral Diagnostic Center ''Germán Ríos Rivera'', 2016-2017
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 27-33
PDF size: 240.75 Kb.
Introduction: Work accident is considered «sudden, unexpected and unwanted event that can cause harm to the worker». Work accidents are a major public health problem and their frequency is increasing. Health professionals physically approach the patient at the time of patient care and are exposed to occupational risk factors classified as: physical, biological, chemical, ergonomic and psychosocial and also to the transmission of infectious diseases.Objective: To characterize the international aid worker according to age and sex, work profile, types of injury, causes of accidents and their report.
Material and method: A descriptive study was carried out in aid workers of the Cuban medical mission in Cabimas, Venezuela, period 2016-2017. The universe was the total of 93 cooperators and the sample was the 33 who suffered any injury. The results were expressed in summary measures and relative and absolute frequency distribution.
Results: The female sex and the 31 to 40 age group predominated. Surgical service workers were the most affected, followed by stomatologists. Puncture wounds affected a third of the aid workers. The main causes of accidents were the improper handling of sharp-pointed objects and the non-use of means of protection. Most of those affected did not report the accident.
Conclusions: There is a trend towards an increase in old and new infectious diseases. It is necessary to comply with the protection protocols to avoid acquiring communicable diseases and suffering occupational accidents.
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