2022, Number 44
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (44)
Scoping reviews: a new way of evidence synthesis
Lopez-Cortes OD, Betancourt-Núñez A, Bernal OMF, Vizmanos B
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 98-104
PDF size: 449. Kb.
Scoping reviews arise from the need to synthesize evidence
from a broader review objective than systematic
reviews, but without losing its methodological rigor; they
need a previously registered protocol, which includes
search, inclusion, and exclusion criteria. They are characterized
by reviewing broad contents responding to population-
context-concept questions (PCC) focused on key
concepts, specific methodologies, and knowledge gaps,
with heterogeneous sources of information (randomized
clinical trials, observational studies, blogs, websites, interviews,
opinions, congresses, qualitative methodology
studies, and others) and present as a final product
an informative synthesis of all the collected evidence.
In addition to their value in mapping emerging areas of
knowledge, scoping reviews are useful in academic work
because they allow building the background and theoretical
framework for the development of a study (thesis,
research project), as well as the identification of gaps that
lead to new research questions and the development of
original studies or systematic reviews.
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