2022, Number 4
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Arch Med Fam 2022; 24 (4)
Experience Report: Diagnostic uncertainties, continuity of care, learnings that humanize medical practice
Oliveira VI, Matakas SG, González BP, Moreto G, Craice BMA
Language: Portugués
References: 20
Page: 205-221
PDF size: 247.62 Kb.
Dedication and humanism are essential qualities for
an effective clinical practice. Doctors constantly face
situations that generate uncertainty, which brings
anguish and anxiety to them and their patients. This
article is an experience report that involves the followup
of a 45-year-old patient, who presented a picture
of suffering and anxiety resulting from the uncerItana
Oliveira Viana y cols. tainties and diagnostic difficulty
resulting from an Atypical Infectious Endocarditis.
Although he was referred to numerous specialists,
the patient remained under the care of a medical team
that supported him, a team that we accompanied in an
extracurricular practical internship. Considering the
patient as a whole, that is, in his physical, emotional,
social and cultural aspects, the performance of this
team was essential for the evolution of the case. A good
doctor-patient relationship is essential for a better
therapeutic response. The doctor-patient relationship
goes far beyond simple medical care because it has
something more to add besides asking questions,
physical examination, prescribing medicines, and
defining conducts. Uncertainty in clinical practice
allows for great learning and highlights the importance
of teamwork to bring good results to all involved.
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