2021, Number 2
Factors associated with therapeutic adherence in diabetics in two Peruvians hospitals
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Introduction: Different studies show poor therapeutic adherence in diabetic patients, so it is important to identify the factors associated with this one.Objective: To determine the frequency of and factors associated with therapeutic adherence in type 2 diabetics treated at two hospitals in Lambayeque, Peru-2020.
Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study in 119 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with microangiopathy and/or neuropathy, who were applied the Morisky-Green questionnaire validated in Spanish. An association was explored between therapeutic adherence and time of illness, presence of complications, type of antidiabetic, polypharmacy, comorbidity, sex, age, and degree of education.
Results: Of 119 participants, 61,3 % were women, 56,3 % were aged 65 years or older, 43,7 % had neuropathies, and 33,6 % of patients were taking oral antidiabetics and insulin.Only 26,9 % of the patients presented therapeutic adherence. In the simple regression analysis, it was found that the factors associated with a greater frequency of therapeutic adherence were male sex (Prevalence ratio=2,04) and having a higher level of education (Prevalence ratio=2,24). In the multiple regression analysis, male patients had an 85 % greater frequency of therapeutic adherence than female patients (Prevalence ratio=1,85). Therapeutic adherence in patients with higher educational levels was 106 % higher than in participants with no higher educational level (Prevalence ratio=2,06).
Conclusions: The patients studied show low therapeutic adherence. The factors associated with greater therapeutic adherence are male sex and higher educational level.
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