2022, Number 3
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Rev Med UAS 2022; 12 (3)
Analgesic efficiency of 2% ropivacaine + fentanyl vs 2% ropivacaine + morphine by peridural administration in patients with contaminated wound in the immediate postoperative period
Torres-Escobar NJ, Prince-Angulo SA, Peraza-Garay FJ, Canizales-López M
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 167-174
PDF size: 130.07 Kb.
Objectives: To determine which combination is more effective for the control of pain and hemodynamic behavior in the postoperative
period in patients undergoing cleaning of contaminated surgical wound in the lower part of the body.
Material and Methods: A controlled,
prospective, longitudinal, comparative, randomized and double-blind clinical trial was conducted in adult patients with a contaminated
lower-body wound, 2 groups with a total of 87 patients, 40 patients with ropivacaine + fentanyl 100mcg (RF Group) vs 2%
ropivacaine + morphine 2mg( RM Group) by peridural route. During the postsurgical period, heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory
rate, oxygen saturation, the presence or absence of pruritus, nausea and / or vomiting, visual analogue scale (VAS) were monitored
at the first hour, 2 and 4 hours after surgical cleaning.
Results: For the RF group (40) and RM (47), in the pain evaluation with the
EVA scale, al the first hour with a zero score, the group RF 20 (50%) and the RM 47 group (100%) p = ‹0.000. At 2 hours with a zero
score, group RF 6 (15%) and RM 35 (74.5%) p = ‹0.000. At 4 hours on zero score, group RF 4 (10%) and RM 21 (44.7%) p = ‹0.000.
Conclusion: The RM group had better analgesia than the RF group.
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