2021, Number 1
Internal consistency analysis of a nursing registry model
Language: Spanish
References: 22
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Introduction: nursing records are part of the clinical history of the patient and give testimony of the activity that nursing provides to the patient, of their actions with him, both in the diagnosis, the treatment as well as in his evolution, supporting himself in the process of nursing care in a rational and systematic way, thereby enhancing the quality of nursing care and becoming the proof of the care provided to the patient.Objective: to analyze the internal consistency of a nursing registry model in a public hospital in the suburbs of Buenos Aires.
Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the Coronary Unit of a public institution in the August-October 2021 period. The sample consisted of 64 nurses. After applying the data collection instrument in the selected sample, the construct validation was carried out by analyzing the factors and verifying the internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha.
Results: the analysis of internal consistency (reliability) was carried out through Cronbach's Alpha. The descriptive results with the 22 items showed a variance of each item of 3,856, a total variance of 26,816, with a total Cronbach's Alpha of 0,895, showing that the instrument presents internal consistency.
Conclusions: the validated Clinical Nursing Record format represents an improvement strategy to increase the quality of care. In it, information about the care provided to patients is recorded in an orderly and holistic manner.
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