2021, Number 2
Effectiveness of the training process of medical students in the elderly care home
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Introduction: On-the-job training comprises the integration of assistance tasks and teaching. Therefore, the medical major demands taking advantage of the available training scenarios from the territory. As a result, the elderly care home was used to fulfill such purpose for two weeks during the fifth semester of third-year medical students and student assistants of higher years.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the training process developed in the elderly care home for the learning of clinical skills and for the teaching practice of student assistants.
Methods: An evaluation research was made. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. A questionnaire was applied to 56 third-year students, and goup dynamics was used in 12 student assistants.
Results: More than the 70 % of the students was able to develop skills for the regional and general physical exam and for questioning every day. The predominant systems per day were cardiovascular (87.50%) and respiratory (85.71%), whereas the nervous system was less frequent (32.14%). The daily data recording showed skill improvement for questioning (87.50%), and physical exam per system (85.71%). The student assistants received teaching training and systematic preparation. The health staff from the elderly care home felt satisfied with this activity.
Conclusion: The training process was effective for the systematization and learning of clinical skills during the fifth semester of the major. In addition, student assistants received teaching practice. These activities constitute a contribution to their preparation as future professionals and teachers.
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