2022, Number Esp
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Sal Jal 2022; 9 (Esp)
Análisis del grado de conocimiento sobre lactancia materna en el personal de salud
Olvera-Álvarez MA, Santos-Guzmán J, Patton-Leal AC, Díaz-Contreras E, Ortega-Alonzo SE
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 34-44
PDF size: 263.65 Kb.
Introduction: Mexico currently faces a public health
struggle due to low rates of breastfeeding. Some risk
factors are misinformation and lack of training of the
health professional. Aims of this study was to analyze
the knowledge of health personnel in. breastfeeding.
Material and methods: a cross-sectional, observational,
comparative study was carried out through the application
of the “Encuesta de Conocimientos en Lactancia” (ECoLa),
which reports excellent knowledge (›85% correct
answers), good (›70-85 %), insufficient (55-70%) and
very insufficient (‹55%). It was applied to a convenience
sample of Mexican health personnel, including medical
specialists, residents, nurses, nutritionists, and interns.
Results: a total of 333 participants were included,
of which 126 (37.8%) were physicians, 125 (37.5%)
residents, 33 (9.9%) nutritionists, 32 (9.6%) nurses, and
the rest 17 (5.1%) medicine, nursing or nutrition interns.
The average score of the survey was 58%, categorizing it
as insufficient knowledge. By professional category, we
found higher scores among doctors and nutritionists,
who showed sufficient knowledge only in 37.1% and
36.6%, respectively. In the group of physicians, 48.8% of
pediatricians showed sufficient knowledge, against 13.3%
in gynecologists and 7.5% in general and family physicians.
Conclusion: health personnel in Mexico have insufficient
education on breastfeeding. A structured, directed
and supervised training on breastfeeding is urgently
needed in universities to comply with international
recommendations and increase breastfeeding rates.
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