2019, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2019; 14 (1)
Contractualism as the foundation of involvement in moral issues about nature and the environment O contratualismo como base para o envolvimento em questões morais sobre a natureza e o meio ambiente
Pérez VJJ
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 69-82
PDF size: 232.68 Kb.
The present text seeks to make a journey through an anthropocentric ethical proposal, in order to establish a
type of moral bond that includes all rational agents, in the exercise of a moral act in favor of the environment
and animals. For this purpose, a contractual ethical proposal based on several theoretical contributions of different
contractarian authors is analyzed, defined and established in a particular way. To, subsequently, derive
the so-called indirect moral responsibilities that fall on moral patients, which for this case are the animals and
the environment, so that the existence of principles of moral action, which can be reasonably accepted by all
parties, is confirmed contractual agents.
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