2020, Number 1
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Revista Colombiana de Bioética 2020; 15 (1)
Disruptive Technologies for Obtaining Artificial Organs and Tissues
Márquez-Díaz JE
Language: Spanish
References: 103
PDF size: 250.84 Kb.
Purpose/Context. The article aims to provide an overview of disruptive technologies
in regenerative medicine as a solution to obtaining artificial organs and
tissues. Existing methods such as transplants and xenotransplants have proven
to be ineffective in resolving this world public health problem.
Method/Approach. Technologies such as tissue engineering, genetic engineering,
nanomedicine, and nanotechnology are addressed, which seek to replace
or improve current methods.
Results/Findings. Disruptive technologies involve bioethical aspects that must
be considered from another perspective. The manipulation of matter on atomic
and molecular scales opens up countless possibilities for improving the quality
of human life and even extending it. As a result, the concept of nanobioethics
has emerged, which takes the principles of contemporary bioethics and projects
them on nanometric scales to analyze the positive and negative implications for
life in these dimensions.
Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. Advances and disruptive technologies
impact health care, produce sociocultural changes, and give rise to new paradigms,
posing scientific, technical, and bioethical challenges.
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