2021, Number 1
Factors associated to pterygium in a group of agricultural and construction workers
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 15-22
PDF size: 312.37 Kb.
Introduction: Pterygium is a common ophthalmologic disease worldwide, considered a public health problem. Objective: To determine the occupational factors associated to pterygium in a group of workers of the agriculture and construction that were attended in hospitals of Playa municipality, of Havana City, during May 2017 to May 2018. Material and method: It was carried out an observational and transverse descriptive study in an intentional sample, no probabilistic, of 98 builders and 82 agricultural workers that were subjected to an ophthalmologic screening in the municipality of Playa during 2017-2018. It was carried out the ocular and biomicroscopic exploration with fissure lamp, a structured interview assisting to the objectives of the study; as well as the scientific observation of the work conditions in the investigated areas. They were classified in two groups: one with pterygium and the other without this. They were fulfilled the ethical principles of investigation. Results: It prevailed the masculine sex and the age group from 41 to 60 years old in 63,3 %. Pterygium frequency in builders were 58 cases (59,2 %) and in farmers 20 (24,4 %); the illness prevailed in workers with more than 15 years of work was preponderant pterygium of degree II, the most vulnerable to the exhibition of the dust were the bricklayers and linkers. Conclusions: Dust and prolonged exposure time were determined as occupational factors associated with pterygium in farmers and builders.REFERENCES
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