2006, Number 4
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Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2006; 63 (4)
Self-inflicted violence in adolescence: the suicide attempt.
Sauceda-García JM, Lara-Muñoz MC, Fócil-Márquez M
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 223-231
PDF size: 152.18 Kb.
Introduction. Objective: our aim was to compare degrees of depression and impulsivity in a clinical sample of adolescents with suicide attempts.
Material and methods. We studied adolescents of both sexes who attempted suicide and were brought to a psychiatric hospital in Mexico City in a semester. Clinical diagnosis were included in 3 possible groups: group I (behavioral disorders), group II (affective disorders) and group III (mixed disorders). Patients also responded scales in order to measure depression and other types of psychological problems.
Results. A total of 65 patients (56 girls and 9 boys), with first or repeated suicide attempts, were evaluated. Depressive type diagnosis were present in 75% and impulsiveness in 42%. Impulsivity was significantly higher in boys than in girls. Overdosing was the most employed method in the suicide attempts of female patients. Psychopatology was more severe among depressed adolescents.
Conclusions: There is more depression than impulsivity among adolescents who attempt suicide. Depressed adolescents show more psychopathology and family problems than non-depressed adolescents, with statistical significance. So far, this is the largest study in a clinical sample of Mexican adolescents who attempted suicide.
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