2022, Number 1
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2022; 39 (1)
Is it possible to prevent accelerated growth of breastfed infants through the mother’s diet?
Argüelles-López A, Calderón-de la Barca AM
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 25-33
PDF size: 240.19 Kb.
Accelerated growth during infancy is associated with the development of overweight and obesity later in life. Although
this problem is attributed to formula feeding, as opposed to breastfeeding, it is not a rule; it also occurs in exclusively
breastfed infants, possibly associated with the maternal diet. Our objective is to discuss an answer to the option of preventing
accelerated growth in breastfed infants through the maternal diet. During pregnancy, dietary intake is key to
ensure a proper development in uterus, where sources of folate, choline, betaine, vitamins B2, B6 and B
12, which participate
in one-carbon metabolism, are essential. Hence, we could infer that the consumption of these nutrients by mothers
would influence a proper development of breastfed children. In addition, these compounds in breast milk contribute to
the composition of the infant gut microbiota, which in turn participates in metabolic processes, including growth and
development. Therefore, a diet rich in nutrients participating in one-carbon metabolism in breastfeeding mothers could
contribute to a proper infant growth, preventing the development of overweight and obesity in the immediate and longterm
future of children.
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