2021, Number 1
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Rev cubana med 2021; 60 (1)
Evaluation of stratification process in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Corona MLA, González MI, Fragoso MMC
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 401.31 Kb.
Introduction: An instrument has been used for stratifying patients with community-acquired
pneumonia in the emergency department since 2006.
Objective: To evaluate the stratifying process of patients with community-acquired pneumonia in
hospitalized patients.
Methods: A descriptive study that included 1 809 patients hospitalized in the emergency
department from 2009 to 2019 was carried out. A control stratification evaluated the process,
which allowed determining the frequency and quality of the initial stratification, as well as the
coincidence between this and the actual stratification. In the statistical analysis, the ratio of
crossed products (Odds Ratio) and X2 statistic were used for differences in proportions; a significance level of 95% was accepted.
Results: The stratification index of the series was 86%, and the adequate stratification index was
80%. Patients with moderate pneumonia and high probabilities of unfavorable evolution
predominated. The lowest stratification was found in patients with severe pneumonia and high
probability of recovery (p <.05). There were differences in the quality of stratification between
the groupings of strata IA-IB-IIA and IIB-IIIA-IIIB (p <.05); these last three strata sowed the highest
figures of the positive predictive value of the initial stratification (p <.05).
Conclusions: The stratification process of hospitalized community-acquired pneumonia patients
was characterized by high stratification frequency and adequate quality. However, this study
identified groups of patients and specific situations that were considered as "areas of
improvement", important for improving the quality of care.
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