2022, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (1)
Sociodemographic profile of parents or guardians of students with disabilities
Villalobos MG, Franco AD, Fuentes BR
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 345-360
PDF size: 314.66 Kb.
The family is the fundamental basis of society, where people are
born and grow, where they find protection and security and where
values are developed, which allow the formation of personality;
however, when there is a child with a disability in the family, this
situation generates a grieving process and the search for
specialized medical care and educational institutions for
socialization and learning that favor basic security and
independence. In this sense, the article presented here has the
following objective:
Objective. To elaborate the sociodemographic
profile of families who have a child with a disability.
Method. A
descriptive study was used; the sample consisted of 45 parents or
guardians. The information was collected at the Centro de Atención
Múltiple (CAM), by means of interview and observation techniques,
as well as the application of a questionnaire composed of 9 open
and closed questions. The SPSS version 21 statistical program was
used to interpret the data. The parents or guardians were between
40 and 45 years of age, 60% were married, 64.4% were housewives
and 46.7% had a basic secondary school education. In relation to
the students, 51.1% are female, 71.1% have an intellectual
disability, 33.3% are in elementary school (high school) and 55.6%
are residents of the municipality of Lerma.
Conclusions. Disability,
more than affecting the person who suffers from it, affects the
members of the family, due to changes in the structure of the family
dynamics, lack of family cohesion, little time dedicated to leisure and
free time, isolation, loneliness, socioeconomic difficulties, lack of
strengthening of social support networks, among others.
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