2021, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2021; 32 (1)
ANCORP: Procedure for information retrieval in library systems using knowledge graphs
Senso RJA, Leiva MAA, Rosell LY, Hernández QAR
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 1-34
PDF size: 994.53 Kb.
Libraries and documentation centers haven’t a methodology guide to transform their RDF data into knowledge graphs, which prevents them from taking advantage of the facilities of this tool in the search and retrieval of information. This methodology was proposed for the transformation of bibliographic data in knowledge graphs. ANCORP was presented from the analysis of the techniques of incrustation, cleaning and checking of knowledge graphs. This methodology was divided into two parts: part I dedicated to the construction of the knowledge graph, and part II dedicated to solving the processes of information retrieval. With the implementation of the methodology, qualitative leaps in the information retrieval and in the quality of the data are corroborated.
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