2021, Number 1
Socioenvironmental factors facilitating the spread of dengue
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 643.94 Kb.
Introduction: It is currently considered that millions of human beings live in countries exposed to dengue disease, one of the main global health problems and a leading cause of mortality.Objectives: Identify the socioenvironmental factors that facilitate the spread of dengue.
Methods: A correlational study was conducted at five consultation offices of Adrián Sansaricq university polyclinic in La Matilde people's council, municipality of Artemisa. The study universe was 165 patients with positive diagnoses or suspicion of dengue during the study period (2017-2019), from which a sample of 150 patients aged over 18 years was selected by stratified probability sampling. The methods used were theoretical (analysis-synthesis, hypothetical-deductive), empirical (open observation, document analysis and interview questionnaire), and statistical-mathematical.
Results: The age groups 18-27 and 38-47 years prevailed, with a predominance of male sex and completed senior highschool. Protection of household water supplies ranged from fair to poor, and dumpsites and microdrumpsites were found in several areas.
Conclusions: The areas contributing the largest number of patients were Consultation Offices 1 and 5 during the spring season, while solid waste collection was the social macrodeterminant most commonly identified. Household water supply sources were found to be inadequately protected. An action plan was developed aimed at compliance with hygienic-sanitary measures.
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Martín Hernández T, León Ramentol CC, Betancourt Bethencourt JA, Culay Pérez A, Quesada Leyva L, Nápoles Jímenez NJ. Caracterización del comportamiento clínico y de laboratorio de pacientes con sospecha de dengue. AMC. 2020 [acceso 19/12/2020];24(3):e7246. Disponible en: Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1025-02552020000300002&lng=es Epub 01-Jun-2020.