2021, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (4)
Is it essential to perform correctly to formulate the execution rule? preliminary data
Rodríguez MRN, Carpio RCA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1728-1762
PDF size: 3196.51 Kb.
The prevalence of correct response percentages is considered to
obey an operational view rewarding incorrect performance. This
persistence is observed in different studies that carried out
empirical evaluations of different variables that theoretically favor
the formulation of general execution rules. In most studies, the fact
that subjects correctly stated the execution rule did not necessarily
imply correct performance in transference tests, likewise it was
observed that participants could respond correctly without
enunciating the matching criterion. This finding raises the
possibility that formulating execution rules does not necessarily
result in the occurrence of effective behavior. Consequently, this
study’s aim was to evaluate the effects of the type of effectivity
developed on the execution and the formulation of the execution
rule, using a second-order conditional discrimination procedure.
The results are discussed in the following terms: a) high
percentages of correct responses obtained during training do not
necessarily correlate with high percentages in transference tests;
b) incorrect executions observed through the training can correlate
with high percentages of correct responses in the transference
tests; and c) it is questionable to state that all “Knowing That” must
be understood as the result of “Knowing How”, which disagrees
with that supported by Ribes (2000).
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